
De Wikipedia
Information Babel del usator
en-N This user has a native understanding of English.
zh-Hans-N 简体中文是这位用户的母语
zh-Hant-3 這位使用者有進階水平的繁體中文知識。
ie-0 Ti usator have nequant conossentie de Occidental/Interlingue (o comprende it con considerabil desfacilitá).
Usatores secun lingue

Hi, I am Hydriz. Please visit my userpage on Meta for more information about me.

Wiki statistics[modificar | redacter fonte]

Number of pages 16,701
Number of articles 12,672
Number of uploaded files 0
Number of registered users 20,230
Number of active users 38
Number of admins 2
Number of total edits 158,938